This is the second part of a two part post. If you want to read the first part, click here
Foreclosure is another one of those tough situations that really stinks. Remember though, it’s always better to deal with it than ignore it. You don’t want to get to a point where nothing can be done. The best time to start trying to get it done is when you realize you just aren’t going to be able to get caught up & BEFORE THE NOTICE OF SALE!!!
There are a number of things we can help with including negotiating a short sale with your lender. In fact, we have a short sale negotiator who does just that all over Texas! Short sales can be tough to negotiate though and realistically you should be ready to sell. If you don’t have much equity or haven’t owned the house for long it can be tough but we do have a few tools in the toolbag to give you some options. For instance, we can sometime do a “wrap” mortgage and take over existing payments for you. But that can only happen before the notice of sale.
Once a notice of sale has been filed by the lender you usually have about a month before the house is foreclosed and YOU CANNOT BARGAIN, MAKE PAYMENTS, ETC. The bank will foreclose at that point *unless* you pay the loan off in full. We can still work with you at this point but time is of the essence!

If you want to just sell the house, we can make you a fair offer and will work to get the loan paid off and money to start over with. If you are currently in pre-foreclosure, let us buy your house before it hits foreclosure!
Moving or PCS?
Let’s face it, most of the time we don’t want to move. You thought this was going to be your forever home but then life, or a job, or a family change just happens. Maybe you are being deployed and don’t want to deal with rentals anymore. Or maybe you listed with an agent but it just isn’t selling and you need the money yesterday!
Any of these things can make selling your house even more stressful than normal with deadlines than need to be met and all the frustration of packing and moving. We can buy most houses fast for cash, whether you own it outright, have a mortgage or there are issues with the title.
If you are military and have a PCS or deployment there might be the urge to keep the property as a rental or similar. Well, the only thing I can say is that about half the houses we buy are from folks who tried this exact thing. It’s tough to manage a rental from far away and many property managers just aren’t up to the task. The cash flow is usually pretty low and once a tenant tears the place up it becomes unappealing pretty quick.
Tired of Being a Landlord?
I’ll be honest, handling rental houses is tough and a lot of hardworking people get burned out. There are properties that sit vacant to worry about, questionable tenants to deal with, constant repairs that drain cashflow and the month to month cost of insurance and taxes. And then some people end up as “accidental landlords” when they wind up renting a home they couldn’t sell or when they had to move.
If any of this sounds familiar, give us a call. We are happy to look at individual homes or take over entire portfolios. We can also work with you on financing so you can keep income coming in without the headache of tenants.
Mobile Home?
We buy mobile homes all over Bell county and Killeen. We pay cash for homes on land, homes in parks and homes that need to be moved. We buy older homes, newer homes, single and double wides. Most of the homes we buy need moderate to significant repairs and we even buy some “junk” mobile homes so don’t be afraid to ask!
Notice a Theme?
Bottom line, we are used to helping people with their problems and work our hardest to offer a stress-free way to sell your house fast and at a fair price. We buy houses every month from folks who don’t want to make repairs, need to get out from under a property or can’t sell their house with an agent and we would love to help you too!